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The Weigh In

Feeling overweight? Noticed your clothes are tighter than usual? Can’t get into your favourite outfit anymore? Tried all the diets that are out there but none of them seem to work?


'The Weigh In'  Is a solo female’s perspective on popular diets and weight loss issues that are currently are available today. The way media present and portray this perfect ideal weight and how we should look. I’ll be addressing what BMI has in relation to weight, and if it’s an accurate way of seeing if you are overweight or not.


The piece is going to challenge and tackle some issues that arise in our day to day lives; how we struggle to lose weight, how we address the topic, how there is so much pressure to be this ‘ideal’ size. What is the perfect size to be? How do we know if we are actually over weight? What does weight have to do with how healthy we are? 


Tuesday 13th May, 10am

Friday 16th May, 5pm

Saturday 17th May, 1pm



Click Here for Tickets
Tickets Available Soon!


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